Международный центр компетенций в области планирования производства, управления цепочками поставок и управления запасами
+7 903 720-8260
Международная профессиональная сертификация по управлению цепочками поставок
Расписание Расписание тренингов и семинаров
Консультации по управлению цепочками поставок Экспресс форматы

Англоязычная версия сайта Insight Projects Group

INSIGHT PROJECTS GROUP offers a high competitive business-education and consulting services in the following areas:

  • Operations Management and Production Planning
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Logistics Management
  • Purchasing Management
  • Sales and Operations Planning
  • Forecasting and Demand Management

We are the first company in Russia that starts to offer the certification programs in Supply Chain and Operations based on international standards. We deliver educational programs as in Russian so in English and can provider education on many other languages on all topics related to Supply Chain and have a wide network of international experts and professionals in this field.

Insight Projects Group provide the efficiency improvements training of the following topics;

  • Risk management in Supply Chain
  • Change Management in Logistics and Supply Chain
  • Supply Chain Metrics and Performance KPIs
  • Supply Chain process evaluation based on SCOR model
  • Supply Chain profile and competency building
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Demand Planning and Integrated Businesss Planning
  • Inventory Management
  • Purchasing management and Negotiations in Purchasing
  • Improving efficiency in production
  • Demand Driven Materials Requirements Planning. Case-based practical course.

INSIGHT PROJECTS GROUP is International Channel of VCARE ACADEMY and deliver the following internationa certification programs in English and also can be delivered on other languages upon request.

VCARE CPIA - Certified Production and Inventory Analyst

VCARE CSSC - Certified Stores and Stock Controller

Also we provide mini-master classes on the following topics in English:

The following education courses of Insight Projects Group are available in English:

  • Demand Management and Forecasting
  • Logistics, Transportation and Distibution Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Purchasing Management
  • Risk Management and Change Management in Supply Chain

Consultancy on all topics are also available upon request.

 Our advantages:

  • Good networking and ability to attract the best experts to the projects within Russia and worldwide
  • Internationally certified trainers
  • Our qualification is proved by international partners
  • High-rank professionals, internationally acknowledge and certified

Before sanctions Insight Projects Group was Channel Partner of ASCM (Association for Supply Chain Management) since 2009, International partner of ISCEA (Institute of Supply Chain Education Alliance) since 2019, International Partner of Demand Driven Institute since 2017, International partner of VCARE Academy since 2022, International partner of Inchange N.B. since 2014.

We encourage your company to be more efficient in Supply Chain and Operations Management and get a real competitive advantage in this field.

We are here to help you to improve your business and enhance your skills!

Here you can find training schedule

Наши клиенты
  • OracleSunInBevSyngentaLVMHAkzoNobelVolvoPfizerHenkel
  • Вертолеты РоссииОМКИркутKatkoGazpromTescoFerreroIpsen
  • DowAstra-ZenekaNpo_saturnContitentalrzhdJTI